You searched for: “mug
mug (s) (noun), mugs (pl)
1. A person's face: A photograph of a criminal's mug was presented to the police for identification purposes.
2. A heavy drinking cup with a handle: Jane's family often prefer to use mugs when they have soup or other hot liquids to consume.
3. The hot liquid that is in a drinking container: Sam and his mother were drinking a big mug of soup while his father was drinking a mug of coffee.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group M (page 5)
mug (verb), mugs; mugged; mugging
1. To attack and to rob someone: Jesse was mugged while he was walking home from the park last evening.
2. To behave in a silly way by making silly facial expressions: The politician was mugging at a man who was yelling in disagreement about a statement that the candidate had made.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group M (page 5)