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Word Entries containing the term:
active solar energy
As an energy source, such energy comes from the sun collected and stored using mechanical pumps or fans to circulate heat-laden fluids or air between solar collectors and a building.
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Astronomy and related astronomical terms
(page 1)
Energy Sources and Related Information +
(page 1)
The space within which the concentration of a pheromone (or any other behaviorally active substance) is at or above threshold concentration: The active space of a pheromone is, in fact, the signal itself, for example the signals of light and sound.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
(page 1)
In cells, the use of energy to move substances, usually molecules or ions, across a membrane: Active transport requires the application of energy in metabolism and is supported by pumps, or also known as carrier proteins.
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Anatomy and Related Anatomical Terms
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