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central sleep apnea
Brief interruptions of breathing during sleep caused by failure of the brain to send the appropriate signals to the breathing muscles to initiate respiration.
Central sleep apnea is less common than obstructive sleep apnea and can require mechanical ventilation.
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Sleep Subjects and Terms Related to Sleeping
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obsructive sleep apnea
Brief interruptions of breathing during sleep caused by physical obstruction to the flow of air.
The air cannot flow through the nose or mouth, although efforts to breathe are made by the person. The basic problem may be blockage in the mouth or nose.
Sleep apnea that is associated with air passage obstruction may require losing excessive weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, sleeping on one side, medications to relieve nasal congestion, a breathing device, or some kind of surgical procedure.
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Sleep Subjects and Terms Related to Sleeping
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sleep apnea
1. A temporary stoppage of breathing while sleeping, often resulting in daytime sleepiness.
2. Sleep apnea is classified as obstructive or central.
2. Sleep apnea is classified as obstructive or central.
Medical treatment depends on the type of sleep apnea present
- Sleep apnea which is associated with air passage obstruction may require losing excessive weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, sleeping on one side, medications to relieve nasal congestion, a breathing device, or surgical procedures.
- Central sleep apnea is uncommon and caused by problems in the brain that impair the signals to breathe and can require mechanical ventilation.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Sleep Subjects and Terms Related to Sleeping
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