You searched for:
1. A group, a company, a party, a body, a troop, a crowd, or a bunch: A band of students brought their grievances before the dean of the university.
2. Orchestras, an ensemble, groups: Two different musical bands played until midnight last evening.
3. A binding, a ribbon, a sash, a belt, a collar, a girdle: Daria's hair was held in place by a velvet band.
2. Orchestras, an ensemble, groups: Two different musical bands played until midnight last evening.
3. A binding, a ribbon, a sash, a belt, a collar, a girdle: Daria's hair was held in place by a velvet band.
Dark bands of clouds were forming on the horizon indicating the coming of a rainstorm.
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English Words in Action, Group B
(page 2)
band (verb), bands; banded; banding
1. To unite, to join, to consolidate; to gather as a group: If the students can band together, they are convinced that they can give their complaints greater strength.
2. To attach a tag or an identification marker to an animal so its movements can be tracked: The veterinarian was careful when she was banding Mary's dog.
2. To attach a tag or an identification marker to an animal so its movements can be tracked: The veterinarian was careful when she was banding Mary's dog.
Amazingly, when the dog was lost as a result of a storm, it was found by Alanna some miles away and because it was banded, she was able to return the dog to Mary.
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English Words in Action, Group B
(page 2)
Word Entries containing the term:
band gap
In a semiconductor, the energy difference between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band.
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Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 2)
band gap energy; Eg
The amount of energy (in electron volts) required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to a free state, and thus promote it from the valence to the conduction level.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 2)
conduction band or conduction level
An energy band in a semiconductor in which electrons can move freely in a solid, producing a net transport of charge.
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Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 5)
valence band
The highest energy band in a semiconductor that can be filled with electrons.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 23)