You searched for: “blank
blank (s) (noun), blanks (pl)
1. An empty space on a document where information is supposed to be written: Mr. Williams said, "Don't forget to write your signature in the blank, Jim."
2. An segment of time that a person can't remember what happened: Tena said that her mind was a blank about what happened after she had fallen down the stairs.
3. A cartridge used in a gun that is filled with powder but which does not contain a bullet: The actors were firing blanks at each other during the production of the western film.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 5)
blank (adjective), blanker, blankest
1. A reference to a surface that has no writing, marks, or pictures: The book had several blank pages.
2. Pertaining to something that has empty spaces which are to be filled in with information: Tyson saw blank lines on the application that he had to fill in.
3. A reference to something that does not have any recorded sound or information: Devon used the blank CD to record some of his favorite musical presentations.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 5)
blank (verb), blanks; blanked; blanking
1. To hide or to cover something: The officials blanked out parts of the document before it was published for public viewing.
2. To completely cause something to be forgotten: The auto accident blanked out any recollection of what happened to her on that day.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 5)