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Word Entries containing the term: “bodies
ant body (noun), ant bodies (pl)
The body of an ant is divided into three main parts:
  1. The head
  2. The thorax or mid-section.
  3. The abdomen or gastor.

Three pairs of legs are attached to the thorax, and like all insects, ant bodies are encased in a hard, shell-like covering or exoskeleton and their legs are jointed.

The thorax can be broken down into two major parts: the alitrunk, which contains the legs and wings, and the petiole, which is found directly anterior to the gastor and is found only in ants.

Ants have mandibles (jaws) which are of varied structures. These varied structures provide for a plethora of functions ranging from grasping, tearing, cutting and other special tasks.

Most ants have a stinger at the end of the gastor. Some ants can release this stinger similar to the way honeybees do it. The stinger is only found in female ants and is a modified ovipositor (egg laying organ).

Ants have compound eyes which have not been shown to effect their behavior, although some ants seem to be able to detect movements. They have very sensitive antennae that are used for a wide array of communication.

Nearly all ants have a unique gland found on the petiole called the metapleural gland. Most importantly, this gland has been shown to contain antibacterial and antifungal chemicals which are essential for survival in the humid, dark nests in the ground or rotting vegetation.

This gland secretes an antiseptic substance that at times acts as a repellent to attacking organisms. It is also thought that the metapleural gland releases pheromones for communication.

Their varied mandibles are an irreplaceable tool for accomplishing the jobs necessary for the multiple behaviors displayed by various individuals of colonies.

The metapleural gland excretes antifungal and antibacterial materials that ants spread throughout their colonies through their wanderings. This protects their brood and their food supplies in the humid underground environment.

This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 2)
Beltian bodies
The food bodies found on the tips of the pinnules and rachises (main axis or shafts) of some New World species of Acacia (various often spiny trees or shrubs), and consumed by the resident Pseudomyrmex.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 4)
food bodies
Special nutritive corpuscles evolved by ant plants to feed ants.

Particular kinds of food bodies include Beltian bodies, Müllerian bodies, and pearl bodies.

This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 7)
Müllerian bodies
Food bodies produced by Cecropia trees (tropical American trees that live in association with a colony of ants) on the trichilium (a pad at the base of the petiole or slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf) and consumed by the resident ants, which are usually Azteca but occasionally also by Camponotus balzani ants or Pachycondyla luteola ants.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 12)