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bristly (BRIS lee) (adjective), more bristly, most bristly
1. Covered with stiff hair or hairlike structures: Although pigs look as if they are hairless, they are actually bristly animals.
2. Thick with prickly or thorny leaves; such as, hairy-like leaves: Some bristly plants can cause irritation to the skins of people who have direct contact with them.
3. Showing or tending to show agitation, indignation, or anger: During the court trial, there was a bristly exchange of words between the lawyers.
2. Thick with prickly or thorny leaves; such as, hairy-like leaves: Some bristly plants can cause irritation to the skins of people who have direct contact with them.
3. Showing or tending to show agitation, indignation, or anger: During the court trial, there was a bristly exchange of words between the lawyers.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group B
(page 9)