You searched for: “car
(scientific terms about the use of vehicles including cars, trucks, or any automobiles including their technology as related to transportation)
Word Entries containing the term: “car
Automobile or Car Terms

Lists of automobile words that are based on technical applications related to cars.

This entry is located in the following unit: Index or Menu of Various Topics (page 1)
hybrid car
Hybrid cars have two sources of power:
  1. An ordinary gasoline engine, powered by a fuel tank.
  2. An electric motor, powered by batteries.

The driver can switch between gasoline and electric power to suit different driving conditions.

This entry is located in the following unit: Automobile or Related Car Terms (page 4)
squadrol: squad car + patrol wagon
1. A police vehicle that serves the purposes of both a patrol wagon and squad car.
2. A blend of squad car and patrol wagon.
  • Squad car: A police car linked by radio with police headquarters.
  • Patrol wagon: An enclosed police vehicle for transporting prisoners.
This entry is located in the following unit: Blends of Words: Portmanteaus or Portmanteaux + (page 2)