You searched for: “center
Word Entries containing the term: “center
center of gravity
The point where the weight of an object appears to be concentrated, usually near its middle.

Cars with a high center of gravity are more likely to topple over when they go round corners.

This entry is located in the following unit: Automobile or Related Car Terms (page 2)
Kennedy Space Center
The NASA launch site on Merritt Island, near Cape Canaveral, Florida, used for Apollo and space-shuttle launches.

The first flight to land on the moon (1969) and Skylab, the first orbiting laboratory (1973), were launched from here.

This entry is located in the following unit: Astronomy and related astronomical terms (page 14)
load center (s) (noun), load centers (pl)
With electricity, a geographical area in which large amounts of plower are drawn by end users.
This entry is located in the following unit: load, loading, loaded (page 1)