You searched for: “deals
deal (s) (noun), deals (pl)
1. A large amount or number: It took her a good deal of time to finish the project.
2. The distribution of playing cards among players in a card game: Jack said, "Mike, it's your turn to make another deal."
3. An agreement arranged between people or groups that is meant to help each person or group: The salesman made a deal with the customer for the purchase of the new car tires.
4. An indication of how someone is treated: The supervisor was thinking about accepting a promotion with her company; however, she was offered a better deal with another organization.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group D (page 1)
deal (verb), deals; dealt; dealing
1. To administer or to dispense a part of something: Several players were dealt severe penalties for their excessively rough behavior.
2. To divide or to give among several individuals: Hans was dealing out the cards for the poker game.
3. To inflict, to give, or to deliver: The boxer dealt his opponent a blow to the jaw.
4. Buying and selling such things as drugs, art works, etc.: A girl was caught dealing drugs at the high school.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group D (page 1)
(one of the group of biological sciences, each of which deals with an aspect of the study of living things)