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The fraction of the energy that a machine uses effectively compared with how much is put in.
A typical gasoline engine is 30 percent efficient, so it uses 30 percent of the energy in the gasoline to move the car forward and wastes the other 70 percent, mostly as heat.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Automobile or Related Car Terms
(page 3)
(electricity and magnetic forces are combined for efficiency)
(characterized by speed and efficiency, or carried out promptly and efficiently)
(solar electricity technical terms applying to electricity, power generation, concentrating solar power, or CSP, solar heating, solar lighting, and solar electricity)
(the spread of information with the "wiring" of the world has improved communications between people and accelerated the pace of scientific discoveries as well as greater efficiency in the exchange of technical knowledge and applications)
Word Entries containing the term:
photovoltaic conversion efficiency
The ratio of the electric power produced by a photovoltaic device to the power of the sunlight incident on the device.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 16)
Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Words
An extensive list of Photovoltaic words about conversion efficiency.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Index of Scientific and Technological Topics
(page 2)
power conversion efficiency
The ratio of output power to input power of the inverter.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
(page 17)