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(a reverse acronym or a regular word that also doubles as an acronym using the same procedures as with acronyms, except that the letters of a word are presented to form a phrase which defines the word or for humorous reasons)
(Various living organisms are organized from the smallest unit of cells to form tissues which form organs and organs work together to form organ systems)
(words exist in all sizes and degrees of difficulty from numerous languages and English continues to churn out new words from the past and the present)
Word Entries containing the term:
(noun) (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form
1. (noun) (s): "uncountable", "uncountable noun", or "mass noun" are all terms that refer to a noun that cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and which, therefore, usually take no plural forms.
3. When a word can be used as both a singular noun and a plural noun, certain dictionaries will label it count, noncount.
The English nouns, perseverance, information, are uncountable nouns (or "mass nouns), at least in their primary meanings.
With such terms, it is not proper to say that there is one perseverance, nor that there are many perseverances or many informations.
2. Some dictionaries use the entry for a noun with the label [noncount] when it doesn't have a plural form or when it refers to something that can't be counted.3. When a word can be used as both a singular noun and a plural noun, certain dictionaries will label it count, noncount.
This entry is located in the following unit:
noun (s), nouns (pl)
(page 1)
noun (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form
Go to this nouns page for information about usages and applications.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Parts of Speech for Word Entries
(page 1)