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1. A group of soldiers or military troops stationed in a fort, town, etc., to defend it: American troops are assigned to garrisons in other countries besides those that are in the United States.
2. Etymology: from Old French garison, "fortification"; formed from garir, "to defend"; ultimately from a prehistoric German word meaning "to protect".
2. Etymology: from Old French garison, "fortification"; formed from garir, "to defend"; ultimately from a prehistoric German word meaning "to protect".
The sense of "fortress" and then of being a "detachment of troops" in a garrison developed in the 15th century.
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English Words in Action, Group G
(page 1)
garrison (verb,), garrisons; garrisoned; garrisoning
To provide a fort or base in or near a town with a military post and troops: Many U.S. soldiers and airmen are garrisoned in other nations with their families and special facilities; such as, libraries, food centers, schools, etc.
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English Words in Action, Group G
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