You searched for: “good
A unit related to: “good
(Greek: eu, "good, well; sounding good" + pheme, "speaking, speech"; mild, agreeable, or roundabout words used in place of coarse, painful, or offensive ones)
(understanding how English words are formed and where they come from helps everyone who finds unfamiliar words)
(leeches are bleeding their way back into the good graces of modern medical treatment as healers just as they did in ancient societies)
Word Entries containing the term: “good
Fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)
good deal
1. Very much; as, expensive.
2. Very little; as a bargain.

An expensive car costs a good deal of money, but someone might get a good deal on a cheaper model.

This entry is located in the following unit: Contranyms (page 1)
It doesn’t do much good to lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.
Don’t lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.

Of little value his compunctions
Who assumes clavinous functions
When once from circumambient pen,
Is snatched its equine denizen.