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Situated on the inside as opposed to the surface or exterior.
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Medical Orientation Words with Reference to the Body
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Word Entries containing the term:
internal combustion engine
An engine that burns fuel inside closed metal cylinders.
External combustion engines; such as, steam engines, produce power less efficiently by burning fuel in an external chamber to heat a liquid or gas, which then moves a piston or a turbine.
Each piston in an internal combustion engine makes four "strokes"
- The piston moves down, sucking in air through the inlet valve while a tiny squirt of gasoline is injected into the air.
- The inlet valve at the top closes, trapping everything inside and then the piston moves up, squeezing the air and gasoline tightly together.
- When the piston reaches the top, a carefully timed spark sets fire to the gasoline; as the gas burns explosively, forcing the piston back down.
- Finally, the piston moves back up and pushes the burned gases out of the outlet valve which leave the car through the exhaust.
The four-stroke cycles include explosions inside the engine's cylinders, on top of the pistons, and the blast force pushes the pistons down; then, the crankshaft swings around and pushes the pistons back up for the next stage in the cycle. The cycles for one piston are described in the following sequences:
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Automobile or Related Car Terms
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total internal reflection
The trapping of light by refraction and reflection at critical angles inside a semiconductor device so that it cannot escape the device and must be eventually absorbed by the semiconductor.
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Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms +
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