You searched for: “logic
A system of reasoning for reaching valid conclusions about concepts, and for assessing the validity of a conclusion that has been reached.
1. The study of reasoning; in Hegel, the study of the origin and natural sequence of fundamental ideas.
2. The branch of philosophy dealing with the principles of reasoning.

Classical logic, as taught in ancient Greece and Rome, systematized rules for deduction.

The modern scientific and philosophical logic of deduction has become closely allied to mathematics; especially, in showing how the foundations of mathematics are incorporated in logic.

This entry is located in the following unit: Philosophical Conceptions (page 3)
Greek > Latin: the art of speaking and reasoning; in this unit.
(using logic or "reasoning skills")
Word Entries containing the term: “logic
Fact and Logic

A fun way to see if you are paying attention. This activity consists of simple questions with tricky answers and may be found by going to verb forms Quiz.

This entry is located in the following unit: Focusing on Words Newsletter #08 (page 1)