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(Old English: flowan, to flow, to stream, to issue; to become liquid, to melt; to abound, to overflow)
Word Entries containing the term:
meld: melt + weld
1. To cause things to combine or blend and become one thing or substance, or be combined or blended in this way.
2. A blend of melt and weld.
2. A blend of melt and weld.
- Melt: To change a substance from a solid to a liquid state by heating it or to dissolve something; such as, sugar in a liquid; or to be dissolved in a liquid.
- Weld: To join pieces or parts of some material together by heating them and hammering or using other pressure to make them fuse together.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Blends of Words: Portmanteaus or Portmanteaux +
(page 1)