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Word Entries containing the term:
fabrication (s) (noun), fabrications )pl)
1. A story, a lie, an excuse, etc. that has been invented or made up and is not true: Leslie was told by his mother to quit making up fabrications about how the window was broken by someone else and not by him.
2. The construction of something: It was obvious that the contractor was making a big effort to have his carpenters complete the house as soon as possible so they could start building another one that had been requested by the Roderick family.
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2. The construction of something: It was obvious that the contractor was making a big effort to have his carpenters complete the house as soon as possible so they could start building another one that had been requested by the Roderick family.
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
no-goodnik, nogoodnik (s) (noun); no-goodniks, nogoodniks (pl
1. A worthless, disreputable, or malicious person.
2. A no-good person.
2. A no-good person.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Words ending with -nik +
(page 1)