You searched for: “plants
(a glossary of biological terms about living creatures including plants and all kinds of animal species and organisms)
(a description in which plants can be produced in containers filled with water and a number of other non-soil contents)
(generally, flowering plants have special parts that make it possible for them to exist)
(A visual presentation of various plants, animals, insects and other forms of life in their environments)
Word Entries containing the term: “plants
ant plant, myrmecophyte (s) (noun); ant plants; myrmecophytes (pl)
A species of plant with domatia, or specialized structures for housing ant colonies: Sandy learned in class that there were ant plants that gave refuge and/or nourishment to ants, and both the ants and the plants lived symbiotically with each other.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 2)