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(over the past century, knowledge of the way the universe works [science] has grown significantly, and with it the ability to apply that knowledge to everyday problems [technology] has changed the way people live)
Word Entries containing the term:
Body Transplants: Problems Still Exist
More and better sterilization of body parts is essential to successful body transplants unit.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Units of Special Compositions, Topics, or Subjects That Provide Special Information
(page 3)
Political problems in the U.S. with applicable quotes
Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
Politicians say theyre beefing up our economy. Most dont know beef from pork.
Washington is a place where politicians dont know which way is up and taxes dont know which way is down.
Politics is the art of getting money from the rich and votes from the poor, with the pretext of protecting one from the other.
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Focusing on Words Newsletter #11
(page 1)