You searched for: “pronouns

Go to this pronouns page showing what they are and how they should be used.

This entry is located in the following unit: Parts of Speech for Word Entries (page 1)
The Case for Pronouns

He, she, I and we
And add to that list they
Are always subjects of their verbs,
And not the other way.

After a preposition—
like for, between and to
Use him or her, not he or she.
(You're also safe with it and you.)

Suppose you tell an editor,
"Just between you and I."
You shouldn't be at all surprised
To hear him say "Good-bye."

Confusion is more frequent
When objects come in twos.
Just omit the first one; that
Should serve to unconfuse.

"Don't hit Jim and I"
May to your ear sound right.
But leave out Jim; say "Don't hit I."
Now can't you see the light?

When you try to do to others
As you'd have them do to you,
Do it to them, not they, my friend—
And do it to whom, not who.

Problems with whom and who?
Replace them with him and he
And if you've learned to use them right,
Correct each time you'll be.

To whom is given much,
From him is much required;
If you say he when you should say him,
You deserve it if you're fired!
—Catharine MacIan

Have you heard that a pronoun is a noun that has lost its amateur status?

This entry is located in the following unit: pronoun (s), pronouns (pl) (page 1)
More possibly related word entries
A unit related to: “pronouns
(words that take the places of nouns)
Word Entries containing the term: “pronouns
Let’s Use Pronouns Properly.
The Case for Pronouns

He, she, I and we
And add to that list they
Are always subjects of their verbs,
And not the other way.

After a preposition—
like for, between and to
Use him or her, not he or she.
(You’re also safe with it and you.)

Suppose you tell an editor,
“Just between you and I Š ”
You shouldn’t be at all surprised
To hear him say “Good-bye.”

Confusion is more frequent
When objects come in twos.
Just omit the first one; that
Should serve to unconfuse.

“Don’t hit Jim and I”
May to your ear sound right.
But leave out Jim; say “Don’t hit I.”
Now can’t you see the light?

When you try to do to others
As you’d have them do to you,
Do it to them, not they, my friend—
And do it to whom, not who.

Problems with whom and who?
Replace them with him and he
And if you’ve learned to use them right,
Correct each time you’ll be.

To whom is given much,
From him is much required;
If you say he when you should say him,
You deserve it if you’re fired!
—Catharine MacIan, in the Writer's Digest
This entry is located in the following unit: Focusing on Words Newsletter #06 (page 1)