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ramble (verb), rambles; rambled; rambling
1. To wander around in a leisurely, aimless manner: Jim and Jane rambled through the shops until closing time.
2. To take a course with many turns or windings, as a stream or path: The trail seemed to ramble over the hills and along the stream.
3. To grow in a random, unsystematic fashion: The vine rambled over the walls and tree trunks.
4. To talk or to write in an irrelevant, aimless way: The speaker rambled on with one anecdote or humorous incident after another one.
5. To walk aimlessly or idly over or through a geographical area: Bryan spent the spring afternoon rambling on the woodland paths.
6. To go for walks without a definite purpose that are taken merely for pleasure: When Lucinda and Kevin go on their holidays, they like to ramble across the countryside making discoveries as they meander around.
2. To take a course with many turns or windings, as a stream or path: The trail seemed to ramble over the hills and along the stream.
3. To grow in a random, unsystematic fashion: The vine rambled over the walls and tree trunks.
4. To talk or to write in an irrelevant, aimless way: The speaker rambled on with one anecdote or humorous incident after another one.
5. To walk aimlessly or idly over or through a geographical area: Bryan spent the spring afternoon rambling on the woodland paths.
6. To go for walks without a definite purpose that are taken merely for pleasure: When Lucinda and Kevin go on their holidays, they like to ramble across the countryside making discoveries as they meander around.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group R
(page 1)
Written or spoken words that go from one topic to another one without any apparent organization: The visiting speaker may have had a stroke because his ramblings were not normal for him.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group R
(page 2)
rambling (adjective), more rambling, most rambling
1. A reference to a large building that has a great number of rooms: The people were amazed when they saw the old rambling building out on the farm.
2. Without a specific purpose, direction, or objective: The family decided to go on a rambling vacation across the country instead of planning any specific places to visit.
2. Without a specific purpose, direction, or objective: The family decided to go on a rambling vacation across the country instead of planning any specific places to visit.
The weatherman presented a rambling lecture about the extreme weather conditions that were taking place during the summer.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group R
(page 2)