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ring (verb), rings; ringed, rang; ringing
1. To cause a device or an object; such as, a bell to make sounds: The hotel clerk rang a bell at the desk to get the attention of someone to carry the customer's baggage to the room.
3. To fill a place or an area with sound: The cheers were ringing through the gym as the school team won the championship.
4. To appear to have a particular quality or character: Jim's excuse for getting home late didn't ring true with his parents.
5. To form a circle around or to surround something or a person: Small cottages are ringing the lake.
When Jillian went to visit her friends, she rang the door bell so they would let her in.
2. To make a sound as a signal of an event or a specific time: The church bells rang early on Sunday to summon people to the religious service.3. To fill a place or an area with sound: The cheers were ringing through the gym as the school team won the championship.
4. To appear to have a particular quality or character: Jim's excuse for getting home late didn't ring true with his parents.
5. To form a circle around or to surround something or a person: Small cottages are ringing the lake.
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English Words in Action, Group R
(page 4)