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scorch (verb), scorches; scorched; scorching
1. To burn the surface of something: The very hot pan scorched the wooden top of the serving table.
Try to roast the meat and don't scorch it.
While Ronda was ironing Ralph's shirt, she was scorching it because the iron was too hot.
2. To damage something as a result of making it very dry: The hot sun and the very dry weather scorched the crops in several areas of the country.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group S
(page 2)
scorching (adjective), more scorching, most scorching
Descriptive of something that is very hot: There have been some unusually scorching weather conditions already this summer, and it is only June.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group S
(page 2)