You searched for: “world
(a world of Biblical information for everyone who wants to know more about the Bible and its contents and the world from which it became known)
(Photo of world leaders at work)
(electricity has become one of the most significant areas of study in the world)
(an alphabetized listing of links to a world of the uncompromising multi-purpose, majestic, and fathomable universe of words)
(geography includes mapmakers, scientists, explorers of the earth and provides a way to look at both the physical world and the people who live in various parts this globe)
(Herodotus extended his historical coverage beyond the Greek world to the lives, ways, and beliefs of the people with whom the Greeks and the Persians came into contact)
(a science that attempts to discover the fundamental principles of the sciences, the arts, and the world that the sciences and arts influence)
(the spread of information with the "wiring" of the world has improved communications between people and accelerated the pace of scientific discoveries as well as greater efficiency in the exchange of technical knowledge and applications)
Word Entries containing the term: “world
New World
A generic term for the Americas.
This entry is located in the following unit: Archeology, Archaeology (page 5)
Old World
A generic term for Europe, Asia, and Africa.
This entry is located in the following unit: Archeology, Archaeology (page 5)