You searched for: “yaps
yap (s) (noun), yaps (pl)
1. A dog's loud, quick bark; shrill barks: The puppy made a series of yaps and ran out the door.
2. In the U.S., a slang term for "mouth": Brad told his son to shut his yap.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group Y (page 1)
yap (YAP) (verbs), yaps; yapped; yapping
1. To bark quickly and shrilly: The little dog yapped all evening until its owners returned.
2. Talking incessantly, jabbering: Jewel's neighbor is always yapping about some new diet.
3. Raving or complaining: What is the opposition party yapping about now?
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group Y (page 1)