You searched for: “chinquapins
chinquapin (s) (noun), chinquapins (pl)
1. Any of the small shrubby trees of the beech family, especially the dwarf chestnuts (genus Castanea), all of which bear edible nuts: "The family decided to get some chinquapins for their garden so they could enjoy the delicious nuts that the trees produce."
2. Evergreen trees of different kinds of species (genus Castanopsis) which grow in Asia and in western United States. They have deeply cut bark and dark green spear shaped leaves with nuts: "The dark green leaves and thick bark of the trees of chinquapins were reasons why Mark's uncle chose them for his private garden."

"The nuts of these little bush-like trees are small, sweet, and can be eaten; so, Sharon's mother asked her to collect some nuts from the chinquapin in the back yard so they could be roasted for the evening meal."

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