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grope (GROHP) (verb), gropes; groped; groping
1. To use one’s hands to search for something that a person may not be able to see or that the location of something is not clear: Ernest groped for the telephone after it rang when he was asleep.
3. To search or to explore another person with one’s hands: The airline passenger refused to be groped by the airport security personnel. 4. To be at a loss for an answer or the desired words to express oneself, to fumble: Alan groped for the right answer to the problem that his daughter told him about.

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Debora groped for the light switch when she went into the dark room.
2. To look for something figuratively or literally with no clear direction or motive: The students groped for an answer from the professor.3. To search or to explore another person with one’s hands: The airline passenger refused to be groped by the airport security personnel. 4. To be at a loss for an answer or the desired words to express oneself, to fumble: Alan groped for the right answer to the problem that his daughter told him about.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group G
(page 4)
To use one’s hands to search for something that can't be seen or to fumble around to find a solution to a problem. (2)
This entry is located in the following unit:
Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 41)