You searched for: “helms
helm (s) (noun), helms (pl)
1. A handle or a steering wheel by which a ship or boat is guided: "The sea vessel's captain was at the helm as he was taking the ship up the coast."
2. A position of guidance or control of an organization or government: "The governor took the state's helm immediately after winning the election."

"The president of the country has been under close scrutiny since he took the helm of the government a year ago."

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group H (page 4)
helm (verb), helms; helmed; helming
To guide or to steer a water craft or freighter: The sailor's duty was to helm the cargo ship across the ocean until he was relieved by another seaman who would continue helming the sea vessel.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group H (page 4)