You searched for: “office
A unit related to: “office
(A suffix forming nouns meaning: quality or condition: partnership; act, power, or skill: workmanship; relation between: friendship; office, position, or occupation: governorship; number: readership)
(Old Norse: oaf, silly person)
Word Entries containing the term: “office
Administrative Office of United States Courts
Organization that hires federal probation officers to supervise federal offenders.

Also supervises pretrial divertees; probation officers prepare presentence investigation reports about offenders at the request of a district judge.

This entry is located in the following unit: Criminal Court Words or Judicial Terms + (page 1)
Oaf of Office
Oaf or Oath of Office?
This entry is located in the following unit: Words at Work in the Print Media: INDEX (page 1)
office space
A room, or an area within a room, set aside to be used as an office space with computer equipment and communications equipment.

Office spaces can be designed for occasional use or for those who work from home to use as their main place of work.

This entry is located in the following unit: Interior Design (page 2)