You searched for: “peccary
peccary (s) (noun), peccaries (pl)
1. A nocturnal mammal, very similar to a pig from the family Tayassuidae,  with hooves, long stiff hair which is dark with white and grey markings: "Peccaries travel in groups in the forests of South, Central, and North America."

"In his biology class, George learned about the peccaries, which live in groups as they explore the forests for food."

"The peccaries hardly have a tail to speak of, their ears are very small and erect, and they can be as long as about 35 inches (90 centimeters) and weigh up to 66 pounds (30 kilograms)."

In addition, George found out that peccaries eat plants and small animals, even dead ones!"

2. Etymology: from Carib, pakira, "pig like".
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