You searched for: “stampedes
stampede (s) (noun), stampedes (pl)
1. A wild, headlong scamper, or escape, of a number of animals; usually caused by fright: A stampede is any sudden flight or dispersion; such as, of a crowd or an army because of a panic.
2. A situation in which many people in a crowd are trying to go in the same direction at the same time: There are times when crowds are in stampedes to buy products that are advertised at very low prices.

The fuel shortage in Sam's town caused a stampede of car owners to the gasoline stations.

3. Any sudden moving or collective action by a number of people because of some common impulse: In 2018, France had stampedes of people in the streets who were celebrating their country's winning of the international soccer games.
4. Etymology: borrowed from Mexican Spanish estampida, from Spanish estampar, "an uproar, "to stamp, to press, to pound".
A sudden rush of animals or people for a common impulse.
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