You searched for: “stealths
stealth (STELTH) (s) (noun), stealths (pl)
1. A secret, quiet, and clever way of moving or behaving: The fox uses stealth and cunning to hunt its prey.
2. Chiefly in the U.S.; done or happening in a secret or quiet way that does not attract attention: Henry claims that his political enemies have been conducting a stealth campaign to block his nomination.
3. Used to describe military aircraft that are designed so that they cannot be easily seen by radar; such as, a stealth bomber or a stealth fighter.
4. Although the archaic meaning was "the act of stealing", it no longer has this connotation and so it is a misleading concept if anyone tries to use it with reference of "to steal" or "something that has been stolen".
This entry is located in the following unit: Misleading Meanings of English Words (page 2)
stealth (s) (noun), stealths (pl)
Behavior that is secret, quietly inconspicuous, or intended to be unnoticed: The stealth of the cat stalking the mouse was impressive to watch.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group S (page 13)