You searched for: “tomahawk
tomahawk (s) (noun), tomahawks (pl)
1. A hand weapon, and a tool, looking similar to an axe or a hatchet with a stone head, and later with an iron piece, which was used by the North American Indians: "One of the most interesting relics in Ingrid's inheritance was a tomahawk, which was found by her grandfather on one of his trips around Southern California."
2. Etymology: from Algonquian tamahaac, "what is used in cutting".
This entry is located in the following unit: English words from Algonquian (page 2)
tomahawk (verb), tomahawks; tomahawked; tomahawking
To strike, to wound, or to kill with a small, short-handled, ax-type of instrument: "Indians in North America, during their conflicts with each other and with the American pioneers, tried to tomahawk their enemies when they were in close combat."
This entry is located in the following unit: English words from Algonquian (page 2)