Focusing on Words Newsletter #04
(the fourth newsletter of a series that was formerly presented to subscribers by the Sr. Scribe, a.k.a. John Robertson)

Failures are divided into two classes--those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.
These statements were found on actual products. Really! Why? Is it ignorance on the part of companies or is this something out of “Instructions for Dummies?” Not all of them are blunders in English.
The warning labels are real because some companies are afraid of being abused by frivolous lawsuits that U.S. courts should be throwing out without further consideration. Instead, it is costing consumers millions of dollars because companies are actually required by law to pay large sums for nonsense lawsuits and, of course, these costs are passed on to those who buy their products.
Robert Dorigo Jones, president of the Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch, a consumer advocacy group says, "Wacky warning labels are a sign of our lawsuit-happy times."
- On hairdryer instructions: Do not use while sleeping.
- On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
- On a bar of Dial soap: Directions. Use like regular soap.
- Frozen dinner that says: Serving suggestion, Defrost.
- On a hotel-provided shower cap in a box: Fits one head.
- On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: Do not turn upside down. (Printed on the bottom of the box)
- On Marks & Spencer bread pudding: Product will be hot after heating.
- On packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body.
- On Boots (pharmacy chain in the UK) children's cough medicine: Do not drive car or operate machinery after use.
- On Nytol: Warning, may cause drowsiness.
- On a Korean kitchen knife: Warning, keep out of children.
- On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only.
- On a Japanese food processor: Not to be used for the other use.
- On Sainsbury's peanuts: Warning, contains nuts.
- On an American Airlines packet of nuts: Instructions, open packet, eat nuts.
- On a Swedish chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.
- Label on a baby stroller (British, "pram"): Remove your child before folding the stroller for storage.
- A Batman costume carried a warning stating: "PARENT: Please exercise caution. FOR PLAY ONLY. Mask and chest plate are not protective. Cape does not enable user to fly.
- A plastic sled advises users to wear helmets and to avoid trees, rocks, or "man-made obstacles."
It also states: "This product does not have brakes."
- Addicted to Milk? A self-described milk-a-holic is suing the dairy industry, claiming that a lifetime of drinking whole milk contributed to his clogged arteries and a minor stroke. Norman Mayo, 61, believes he might have avoided his health problems if he had been warned on milk cartons about fat and cholesterol.
"I drank milk like some people drink beer or water," he said. "I've always loved a nice cold glass of milk, and I've drank [sic] a lot of it."
The Associated Press, 6/6/97.
Milk Lawsuit - Featured in Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" [a Talk-Show Host and comedian on American T-V].
As Jay Leno noted in his monologue on June 10, 1997, "Here's another reason why Americans hate lawyers. A man in suburban Seattle is suing the dairy industry because he's become addicted to milk and it has raised his cholesterol to dangerous levels. It's just as dangerous as tobacco. The government should have warning labels on milk, in fact this is the proposed warning label:
[Editor's note: There's always at least one joker as shown by the first reader/writer].
- The principal reason for this discussion is to decrease one’s spelunking spills.
- Some of us should live by no particular moral principles; I live by the immoral Principal Corruthers.
- The principal character in the play is ill.
- His political principles are not acceptable.
- As a matter of principle, he refused to borrow money from anyone over three meters tall who fancied avocados.
- The principal invested in that project was $100, 000, 000, 000.
- We must install computer chips into the hypothalamusi of our youth which will instill principles of honesty and morality and the urge to vote Republican.
I hope that my cooperation will be of help. I can't wait to read what this is all about . . . and to hear from you regarding how I scored.
I know I don't have to make any comments but I have to say that this was a real eye opener. I felt as if I was back in school.
Just wanted to add a note of thanks. I've really been enjoying your messages.
Many thanks for your efforts. I just wanted to let you know I always look forward to your newsletters.
It might be of interest for the purposes of your survey that I am not, in fact, a native English speaker; my mother tongue is German.
[Ed. note: All of your answers were correct].
I learned these differences in 5th grade! - The princiPAL of the school is our PAL - he's a number-one (principal) guy; I'll admit cheating on number 6 - I've probably spelt it wrong all my life!
"The principal 'pal' of the principal . . ." came in useful.
Bravo for tackling this one. Why not try "lay" and "lie"; my students love to confuse those two, also. And believe it or not, they mix up the plurals of "this" and "that".
Are you trying to make a point about our country's lack of principles?
Interesting examples. Using one word or the other changes the meaning of the sentences in interesting ways. But I guess "principle" can,t be used as an adjective?
After the quiz, I checked the dictionary on my PC, and I was in for a rude awakening. I certainly have a better understanding of the two words, because I did not realize that principal had a monetary meaning. I'll not forget the definition anytime soon.
This is a good idea. I look forward to learning the results. I suggest you test us with "affect/effect" and "stationary/stationery." Others, doubtless, would be useful, but none comes to mind. On another topic, how about a test for subject/verb agreement, like "none-is/none-are" or "data-is/data-are"?
I just mentally replaced "principal" with "main" and "principle" with "scruples" and made my choices based on that. I paused on #6, but I stayed with the same definitions, because you have the "main" money (principal) and the interest, which is earned from it.
After looking at these sentences, I can easily see that many folks could be quite confused. It was a fun mental workout.
Thank you very much for allowing me to join your Focusing on Words Newsletter. I am Japanese. I am trying to learn English.
[Editor: When asked what system this subscriber used to choose the right "princip-", his response was as follows]
I don't think it qualifies as a system, but here's my thought process: I know that one of the words refers to abstract decision-making guidelines for things like morals, ethics, professional decisions, etc., and I know that that word isn't "principal" because Principal was the sign on the office door of the guy who ran my grade school, and I remember walking past that sign in the first grade and thinking "He's no pal of mine."
The logic doesn't track, but I walk through this little personal memory each time I have to distinguish between these two words, and it seems to get me to the right answer.
I rely on an obscure personal memory to determine that "principal" does not refer to abstract values and decision-making guidelines. If "principal" doesn't refer to them, then "principle" does.
Hope this helps.
I used the word principle anytime it was talking about one's moral belief system. Principles are beliefs or values. I used the word principal meaning the central or main thing. Also, principal means an amount of money.
I teach 6th grade language arts and math. My boss is a principal with few principles.
The oldest trick in the book. My high school principal, who is the main person in the school, is my pal. Works for nouns and works for adjectives. The only one I wasn't sure of was principle/principal meaning money in the bank. I made a good guess (or inference.)
Another article about “Denglish” this one from the Berlin Journal which has a Copyright of 1998, of The New York Times Company and was written on December 6, 1998. Sent in by Douglas B. in Berlin.
The same article also appeared in the International Herald Tribune, on December 7, 1998, with the title, “Germany Debates Denglisch’ ”
Some parts of the article from the Journal include the following (partly edited to make it shorter):
Before you read this section about mnemonics, please STOP here NOW, and take a “pre-test” over the words that will be discussed. Even if you do well on this test, you may still come back for the presentation. So, please go to (click on) the Mnemonics "Seed" Quiz over -cede, -ceed, -sede words to see how well you can spell words that have the endings that are pronounced “seed”.
How to decide between -cede, -ceed, and -sede.
Problems: Is it supercede, superceed, or supersede? Is it accede or acceed? Is it proceed or preceed, and is it excede or exceed?
1. Of the twelve words, one, and only one, ends in the four letters -S-E-D-E. That one word is supersede
Supersede, is the only word in the entire English language that is spelled with the -sede ending.
Supersede was born in Rome thousands of years ago. It comes from Latin super, “above”, and sedeo, “to sit”.
If one thing supersedes another, it figuratively, and by derivation, “sits above or over it”; that is, “it replaces” something. An example: “The year 2000 will supersede 1999.”
Supersede is the only verb in English that derives directly from Latin sedeo, to sit, hence the only word with the -sede termination.
There are many nouns and adjectives that come indirectly from sedeo or one of its forms:
president, one who sits before a group;
sedentary, moving little, hence sitting, as in a sedentary occupation;
session, a sitting or meeting of a group of people;
sedate, calm, hence sitting still, etc.
2. There are three other unique words that you should learn, the three words that end in the letters -C-E-E-D: succeed, proceed, and exceed.
accede, to give consent; to become a party to an agreement or treaty.
antecede, to precede; that is, to come before in time or order.
cede, to surrender possession of formally or officially; to yield or grant, as by a treaty.
concede, 1. To acknowledge as true, just, or proper, often unwillingly; to admit by conceding the point. 2. To give or grant as a privilege or right.
intercede, to argue on another’s behalf; to act as a mediator in a dispute; to come between.
precede, to come before in time, in rank, or order.
recede, to move back or away from a limit, point, or mark.
secede, to withdraw formally from membership in an association, organization, or alliance, especially a political one.
Succeed starts with “s”.
Proceed starts with “p”, and means go ahead.
Exceed starts with “e”.
1. Any annoying doubt as to whether a word correctly ends in -ceed or -cede.
2. Any error in writing -cede for -ceed, or vice versa.
Speed ends in -eed.
The “s” of speed identifies succeed.
The “p” of speed identifies proceed.
The “e” of speed identifies exceed.
The ending of speed identifies the endings of all three words: succeed, proceed, exceed.
Finally, the word “ahead” in “Full Speed Ahead” identifies proceed, which means “go ahead”, and eliminates “precede”, which means “come before”.
Proceed, as you know, belongs to one of the three -ceed verbs, but the noun and adjective forms do not follow the same format. Contrary to what you might normally expect, these forms are spelled: procedure and procedural.
Only one word in English ends in -sede, namely supersede.
Only three words in English end in -ceed, namely succeed, proceed, and exceed (mnemonic: Full speed Ahead).
All of the other words with a similar “seed” sound end in -cede.
Procedure and procedural; however, do not follow the pattern of proceed.
Now is a good time to test yourself.
Would you like to see if the mnemonic devices I have given to you function properly? If so, just click on this self-grading Mnemonics "Seed" Quiz again so you can re-take the -cede, -ceed, -sede words so you can see how easy it is to recognize the correct spelling of these words.