English Words in Action, Group D

(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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debauchee (s) (noun), debauchees (pl)
1. A person who practices intemperance, or bacchanalian excesses; however, primarily, someone who is habitually lewd and indecent: Bart is a debauchee who is known to be morally unrestrained.
2. Those who are regarded as immoral, unrestrained, and overly self-indulgent: Jewell is a debauchee who has led a life of reckless drinking, promiscuities, and self-indulgences.
debaucher (s) (noun), debauchers (pl)
1. Anyone who corrupts other people; such as, a seducer to lewdness or some unacceptable activities: The old roué, or lecherous man, was a renowned debaucher who enjoyed his wicked reputation.
2. Those who behave in morally unacceptable ways which probably involve drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, having sex with many people, etc.: The wild crowd of debauchers often gathers at the local "Madam’s House" for evenings of lewd and immoral parties.
debauchery (s) (noun), debaucheries (pl)
Bad or wicked behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.: Jarrod later regretted the debaucheries of his youth.
debauchment (s) (noun), debauchments (pl)
1. Corruption by sensuality, seduction, intemperance, etc.: The debauchment of the imperial court was one of the reasons for the revolution that took place.
2. The act of seducing from virtuosity or from doing what people are supposed to be doing: The debauchments shown by many of the people in this community are intolerable.
debride (di BREED) (verb), debrides; debrided; debriding
To remove or extract dead or damaged tissue or foreign matter, from a wound: When doctors debride nonviable, or decaying tissue, from a cut or a burn in the skin, they utilize special mechanical knives or scissors and they also include certain chemical procedures.

While camping out in the desert, a young lady walked on the sand without shoes and a cactus thorn dug into her foot and it was necessary to have a doctor to debride it before a serious infection resulted.

debridement (dee BREED muhnt) (s) (noun), debridements (pl)
The medical removal of foreign material and/or dead, damaged, or infected tissue from a wound or burn in order to expose healthy tissue; usually with a scalpel or scissors: The treatment of skin injuries with the procedure of debridements is a medical attempt to promote the healthy healing of badly wounded skin, muscle, bone, or other parts of the body.

Maggot debridement takes out all of the dead and infected tissue, which is necessary for a wound to close and to heal.

Surgical debridement is often lengthy and painful, something that maggot treatment eliminates; according to Anne Dompmartin-Blanchere, a dermatologist at the University Hospital Center of Caen, France.

—Compiled from an article titled
"New studies show how maggots clean wounds
and help them heal"; Scientific American magazine
by Carrie Arnold; April, 2013; page 9.
debunk (verb), debunks; debunked; debunking
1. To show that a belief or theory is not valid or true: The newspaper article by the astrologist debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.
2. To present the falseness of a story, statement, idea, etc.: Andrew, the anthropologist, has debunked the theory that everyone can live to be 100 years of age by having a good diet.

To debunk something is to prove that it is wrong or incorrect.

To expose or to ridicule the falseness or sham of something.
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To show the lack of truth regarding a presentation.
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debut (s) (noun), debuts (pl)
1. The first time an actor, musician, athlete, etc. does something in public or for other people: Mable made her singing debut at a very young age.
2. The first appearance of a product, event, sport, etc. in public: The automobile company had a debut of its new vehicle at the car show.
3. The formal entrée or entrance of a young woman into society: When Dorothy made her debut in her town, she was 18 years old, beautiful, graceful, and had mature manners acceptable for any group of people.
A first appearance on stage or before the public.
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decorous (DEK uhr uhs, di KOR uhs) (adjective), more decorous, most decorous
1. A reference to conventions or requirements of polite behavior: Jacob has always been considered a polite and decorous neighbor until he was heard yelling curses and vulgar words at his wife one evening.
2. Proper; becoming; suitable; with dignity and propriety: Even with indecorous customers, the clerk was respectable, polite, and the most decorous person in the store.

When people don't have wild parties that keep the neighborhood awake until dawn, are civil and courteous to strangers, and use language that is free of obscenities and blasphemies; then they are considered to be decorous, are living "decorously", and are not guilty of "indecorous" behavior.

decorously (DEK uhr uhs li, di KOR uhs li) (adverb), more decorously, most decorously
Descriptive of being correct and polite in various situations: Hans decorously strived to maintain politeness and calmness when responding to the negative and harsh questions from people in the audience after his speech.
decorum (di KOR uhm, di KOHR uhm) (s) (noun), decorums (pl)
Correct or proper behavior which shows respect and good manners: Court decorum in a court of law requires that all parties address the judge as, "Your Honor" during the trial proceedings.

The people in the TV discussion all showed decorum except for one woman who was always interrupting and denouncing the others for their political viewpoints.

deem (DEEM) (verb), deems; deemed; deeming
1. To think of someone or something in a particular or special way: The house was deemed unsafe to live in after the fire.
2. To regard as; to consider; to believe; to judge: You should do whatever you deem appropriate to be fair.

The company will do what it deems necessary to stay in business.

3. Etymology: from Old English deman and then Middle English demen, "to judge, to condemn, to think, to believe".

deft (adjective), defter, deftest
1. Descriptive of something which can be done quickly and accurately: Monroe was a deft writer as expressed by his witty descriptions and comments in the newspaper articles.
2. Able to do something quickly and accurately: The young pianist's deft fingers were one of his greatest musical assets.
Characteristic of being clever or skillful.
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A reference to being sure, quick, and skillful in an easy way.
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.

deftly (adverb), more deftly, most deftly
A reference to something that is well done or skillfully accomplished: David Garrett deftly plays the violin and deftly leads his musical group at the same time.
deftness (s) (noun) (no plural)
Skillful performance, quick, and being adroit: The deftness of the surgeon saved Brenda's life.

Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.

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