English Words in Action, Group D
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. To conceive of plans that emphasize the productive integration and reuse of waste landscapes throughout the urban world: Landscape architects and city designers like to drosscape as a challenge to use existing conditions which others have condemned as unusable.
3. Etymology: a conception that dross, or "waste", is scaped, or "resurfaced", and reconstructed for the benefit of human existence.
2. A prolonged absence of something which is specified: Karl ended a five-game hitting drought as a professional baseball player.

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2. Lacking responsiveness or alertness; insensitive: Ray's dull response to the shattering news in the newspaper was unexpected.
3. Dispirited; depressed: Compared to other patients at the mental health clinic, Debora has a dull feeling.
4. Not brisk nor rapid; sluggish: Janine did not get a good night’s sleep last night and so she feels as if her brains are dull this morning.
5. Not having a sharp edge or point; blunt; such as, a dull knife: The knife was old and the blade was dull and not good for chopping vegetables.
6. Not intensely or keenly felt: Jacob has a dull headache today that simply won't go away.
7. Arousing no interest or curiosity; boring: It was a dull TV program.
8. A reference to a color; such as, a plain brown which is neither bright nor vivid: Helena's paintings were characterized by her use of dull colors with an occasional bright highlight.
9. Cloudy or overcast: Norbert looked out the window and saw a dull sky.
10. Not clear or resonant: Latonya heard a dull thud from the apartment above when someone up there dropped something.
11. Etymology: originally meant "slow-witted" and was borrowed from Middle Low German dul, and was a descendant of the prehistoric Germanic adjective dulaz.
It is recorded as having come from Middle English dulle, dull; from Old English dyl, a parallel form of Old English dol, "foolish, presumptuous", and related to Old English dwellan, "to lead astray".
"Special earplugs dulled the sound of the chain saw."
2. To make something; such as, a feeling less sharp, not as strong, or reduces severity: "The medication dulled her mind and hampered her thinking skills; however, it was also dulling her pain." 3. To become or to cause something; such as, a knife or blade to become less sharp: "This knife has been dulled because of so much usage."2. People who are regarded as mentally incompetent; that is, unintelligent or slow to comprehend: "Some people are beginning to think that the country is being run by too many political dullards."
2. A lack of visual brightness: It was so foggy in the afternoon that the dullness got to Debora and she felt that she needed a cup of tea to lift her spirits.
3. That which lacks interest: The speaker’s topic had such a dullness about it that many in the audience got up and left early.
4. A condition or situation that results in being slow to understand or to recognize something: The dullness of the old dog was accentuated by its inability to recognize its owners when they came home.

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2. To bewilder or to confuse: The bill from the cabinet maker completely dumfounded Jack because it was twice as high as he had expected!

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A towering cloud of Gobi Desert sand dwarfed the rows of houses as it descended on a small village in central China while the residents hid inside their homes with their windows and doors locked shut as the desert dust swept through the region advancing 70 feet a minute.
2. The small particles of dirt that settle on surfaces in buildings; including, houses, public buildings, industrial areas, etc.: The housekeeper was unable to keep up with the dust that drifted in from the local highway construction.3. The small particles that something, especially a human body, is thought to be reduced to by decay after death: After cremation, Jennifer's remains were just particles of dust.
4. The earth, particularly that of someone's grave (a literary term): Many authors have referred to the grave or an individual buried in a grave as the dust of the earth.
5. Etymology: form Old English, "dust", from German Dunst, "mist, vapor". The meaning of "that to which living matter decays" was in Old English; hence, figuratively, "mortal life".
When Christa comes back from the beach, she always dusts the sand off her legs before she goes into her house.
2. To cover something with a fine powder: The police dusted the table and chairs for fingerprints.William's mother usually dusts the cake with powdered sugar.
The farmer is dusting his crops with a pesticide.
3. Etymology: from about 1200, "to rise as dust"; later it came to mean both "to sprinkle with dust" and "to rid of dust". The meaning, "to kill" is a U.S. slang term that was first recorded 1938; such as, "he was known to bite the dust as a result of the auto accident".Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
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