Traffic Safety Considerations
(in 1946, an eighteen-year-old San Diego High School student wrote an essay in which he asked for plain courtesy when driving)
Traffic Safety
In my opinion, traffic safety depends upon the common courtesy one has for others while driving or walking. It has been said that "Safety is courtesy in action."
Many disasters could be prevented if one were simply to signal when he or she intends to make a turn or to stop. Lives could be saved if we were only considerate of other peoples' rights. We could save much worry with less hurry, and do well to consider that the law may give us the right of way, but it doesn't provide for the hospital or funeral expenses.
Statistics have shown that more people have died in automobile accidents than have died in wars since the French and Indian war. If everyone were to remember that life is worth more than speed, fatalities would not be so prevalent.
Today instead of casualties decreasing in number, they are increasing. If we would only remember that we should be alert, drive slower, and think faster; there would be fewer casualties in our world.
Pedestrians are just as much a cause of death and misery as careless drivers are. Everyone who walks the streets would do well to stop, look, and listen. When the light is red, they should use their heads; and when it is green, their feet.
Even in connection with traffic safety, we may look to the Scriptures for guidance and remember to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.