English Words in Action, Group N
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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Efforts by the two political parties to achieve an agreement on the fiscal crisis reached its nadir, with the result that all of the members decided to quit and go home.
2. The worst or lowest point or degree of something: Mary's blood count went to its nadir after the chemotherapy was administered.The mother's nadir resulted from knowing that her three children and her parents all died when the house caught on fire during the night while they were sleeping.
3. Based on an imaginary sphere indicating the placement of stars, planets, etc.: From the observatory people were able to identify the nadir in the hemisphere as the scientist had explained it.

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Jim's mother is always nagging him about his hair style.
Mary's parents are always nagging her to clean up her room.
2. To cause a person to feel worried for a long time: Brenda is is still nagged by the thought that she could have done better on the final exam in biology.
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The medicine left a nasty taste in Bill's mouth.
2. Improper, disgusting, X-rated: When Ronda turned the TV set on at the motel, she was shocked to see the nastiest videos she had ever imagined possible, which also included a lot of nasty language.3. Disagreeable, bad tempered, and critical: He played a nasty trick on her for revenge because she had refused to go out with him.
Jerry called Karin some of the nastiest things that Shelby had ever heard, but she called him a few that were even nastier and hurriedly walked away.
4. Irritating, unpleasant, or difficult: The nasty rain storms made it impossible for Greg and Shawn to go on the trip as they had planned.5. Unpleasant, mean spirited, or dangerous: The nasty accident injured several students; especially, the one who had one of the nastiest bumps on his head that the doctor had ever seen.
6. Exasperating, and excessively difficult to solve or to handle: The paper presented a very nasty puzzle which was impossible to solve, but Bill's friend told him that there had been an even nastier the week before.
2. A person, place, or thing located next to another or very close: Mildred's aunt and uncle are also her neighbors because they live just down the street from her.
3. Someone or something which is adjacent to or close to another one: The two countries are neighbors to each other separated only by a river.
5. Etymology: The source of our word neighbor is the assumed West Germanic form nhgabr, and was a compound of the words nhwiz, “near” and bram, “dweller, especially a farmer”.
A neighbor, then, was a near dweller. Nahgebr, the Old English descendant of this West Germanic word, and its descendant in Middle English, neighebor, and our Modern English "neighbor" have all retained the literal notion of a situation that probably would have been highly unlikely in earlier times.
A new word, involving "neighborhood" is "gayborhood" or a district either explicitly or implicitly understood to be the place to go if a person is "gay"; that is, "happy" or "joyful".
2. The area in which people, stores, or industries are located: The new computer store in the neighborhood is located close to a railroad station.
3. A collective reference to a large number of people living in proximity to each other: The neighborhood planned an annual BBQ in the park.

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There are those who believe that sinful people are condemned to the nether region, which is also known as "Hell".
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