English Words in Action, Group O
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. A person who is perceived to be a simpleton, uneducated, or unlearned: Claudia was sure that the oaf in her class wouldn't know the meanings of any words even if he looked them up in several dictionaries.

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2. A sanctuary, a refuge, or a place of safety: The library was an oasis of quietness; as well as, information.
2. Vulgarity, curses, profanities often expressed due to surprise or in reaction to the unexpected: The carpenter let out a stream of oaths when he hit his thumb with his hammer.
2. Etymology: from Latin obtundere from ob-, "against" + tundere, "to beat".

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The hippocampus encodes odors and memory responses by firing sequences back in the cortex, consolidating the memory.
Olfactory sensing pathways of odors and memory responses in the brain which lead more directly to the hippocampus than visual and auditory ones. That may be why smell can be linked so closely to memory.
At the very least, when someone is said to be off his or her rocker, it usually means that the person is behaving in a very strange or silly way.
Sally said, "I must have been off my rocker when I agreed to change jobs."
Several applicable words for off the rocker include the following:
- nutty as a fruitcake
- have bats in the belfry
- a basket case
- losing it
- lose one's marbles
- taking leave of one's senses
- mentally unhinged
- have a screw loose
Although the cartoon below is referring to another entry word, it is also providing an example of being off one's rocker.

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2. Behavior that deviates from what is considered to be normal or proper: Jan's neighbor had off-key activities which disturbed others who lived near him because he played his recorded music very loudly or had the volume on his TV blasting so much that people could not enjoy listening to their own TVs or were unable to go to sleep while he was continuing his off-key activities.

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2. The right to buy or to sell something for a specified price and during an indicated period of time: Employees of Henry's company will each be granted options to purchase a thousand shares of company stock next week.

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2. An occurrence when a group of people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc. show their enthusiastic approval or appreciation by by clapping their hands together over and over again: The football star received several big ovations each time he made another successful score for his team. 3. Etymology: from Latin ovationem, from ovare, "to rejoice, to exalt".

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