(Middle French: intolerant, prejudiced, fanatical; dogmatic)
Someone who has very strong opinions; especially, about politics, religion, racial, and cultural ties and who refuses to accept any views that are different: Mark's son was considered to be a bigot when he made some offensive remarks about the religious beliefs of another student who was from Israel.

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bigoted (adjective), more bigoted, most bigoted
Relating to strong and unfair dislikes of other people who have different ideas: Jenny had a bigoted opinion about the new neighbor who just came from China.

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bigotedly (adverb), more bigotedly, most bigotedly
Pertaining to being intolerant or close-minded towards someone or something that is different: At first, there were strong bigotedly negative reactions from students in the history class who were against using computers to obtain information about the past instead of using books from a regular library.
A situation in which the opinions or beliefs of others are rejected: The students had an obvious bigotedness about the substitute teacher who had a completely different method of teaching mathematics than their regular teacher had.
Intolerance or strong disagreements with someone who has different opinions: Jim and Carol had two separate TVs in different rooms because she had bigotries against having to watch one sports event after another one as her husband insisted on doing so often.

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