(Middle English: pleasure, joy, laughter; pleasing, delightful; merry, merrily)
Happiness, gladness, gaiety, or enjoyment; especially, when accompanied, or expressed, by laughter: The critic in the cartoon is attempting to express mirth by being jocular or amusing.

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mirthful (MURTH fuhl) (adjective), more mirthful, most mirthful
Descriptive of being happy and joyful: The father of the mirthful baby had a picture taken to show his friends and relatives how sweet and lovable his little boy is.

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This cartoon illustrates a mirthful character who is showing his happiness.

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mirthfully (adverb), more mirthfully, most mirthfully
Conveying comical or laugh-provoking results: Ted's impersonation of his fellow singers was a source of mirthfully humorous amusement for his fellow entertainers.

A mood or attitude that is characterized by high spirits and amusement: The mirthfulness of the new year's celebrators at Jill's home was contagious and as midnight approached everyone was laughing and singing.
Jack and Jill expressed mirthfulness as a result of the wonderful movie that they had just seen.
mirthless (MURTH lis) (adjective), more mirthless, most mirthless
A reference to sadness, or being without merriment, happiness, or gaiety: A mirthless smile or laugh expresses negative feelings; such as, anger, depressions, or grief.
Attending the comedian's funeral was a mirthless occasion for his family, friends, and those who enjoyed his presentations on TV and in movies.
mirthlessly (adverb), more mirthlessly, most mirthlessly
Descriptive of being without joy or happiness: Frank was mirthlessly disappointed that his girl friend didn't what to see him anymore.

A lack of amusement or typically an expression of irony: The following drawing presents a good example of mirthlessness.

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