English Words in Action, Group Z
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. Nonsensical, hairbrained, or bizarre: Come on, Ralph, don't be such a zany person. Be serious for a change.
3. Etymology: Giovanni (John) was for a long time a common name in Italy, and in Venice a pet name for Giovanni is Zanni.
Venetians must have had a lot of servants called Zanni because the name became associated with a type of clown or buffoon who played humorous servants in early Italian comedies or a commedia dell'arte.
From this clownish character, the zanni, we get the English word zany.
2. To hit something or someone with electrical power: The lightning was responsible for zapping the power supply in the neighborhood.
3. To shoot something or someone with an electric gun, a laser, etc.: The dermatologist zapped a mole on Jim's back with a laser.
4. To change the channels on TV by using a remote control: Polly was zapping through the various programs in an effort to find one that she wanted to see.
2. Anything that is considered to be capable of exterminating or destroying something: Some films show wars going on with zappers shooting each other down.
3. In computer programming, a reference to a command in some database programs which erases all the data in a file or a spreadsheet all at one time: When Adam bought a new computer, all of the data in the old machine was changed over to the new machine and then a zapper program cleaned out his old computer.
2. The spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation: The zeitgeist of the new century was characterized by apprehension and curiosity.
3. The general intellectual, moral, and general cultural taste characteristic of an era: Please tell James about the zeitgeist of the time when he was growing up.
4. Etymology: from German Zeitgeist; literally, "spirit of the age"; from Zeit, "time" plus Geist, "spirit".
2. High point, peak, best moment: Being elected mayor was the zenith of Bill's political career.
3. Most successful, peak, greatest success: The United States was at its zenith before Donald Trump became President.
4. Etymology: from Arabic samt, "path over the head". The Arabic samt became the English zenith because a medieval scribe copied the word samt incorrectly, making it "senit", which became our zenith.
Another explanation: about 1387, from Old French cenith then French zénith; which came from Medieval Latin (Latin as written and spoken c.700-c.1500) cenit, senit, a bungled scribal transliteration of Arabic samt, "road, path"; an abbreviation of samt ar-ras, literally, "the way over the head".

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2. Etymology: from French and German Zickzack, "an alteration of direction."
2. Etymology: from French which came from German Zickzack, "the alternation of directions" which may have applied to fortifications.
2. A person who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way: Henry was so tired that he was walking around like a zombie.
3. Etymology: from Caribbean French, and English Creole which came from Kimbundu-zumbi, "ghost, departed spirit".
Originally the term zombie was the name of a snake god, then later it meant "a reanimated corpse" in the voodoo cult.
2. Characterized by being dull, apathetic, or a slow-witted person: Some people are labeled as being zombiesque because they are so lifeless and unfeeling.
2. To deprive of energy or vitality: It was obvious that the screaming children were zombifying their parents.
3. To insert a system in a computer in order to send out spam: There are some computers that are taken over by hackers and zombified to perform malicious tasks and so become spam zombies.
A zombified computer is one that is controlled by another person without the owner's knowledge and used for sending spam or performing other illegal or illicit activities.
Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
You may see the bibliographic list of sources of information for these words in action.