Word Unit: Science and Technology (over the past century, knowledge of the way the universe works [science] has grown significantly, and with it the ability to apply that knowledge to everyday problems [technology] has changed the way people live)
Word Unit: Science and Technology Words from the Ancient Past to the Present, Part 1 (terms appearing in some "scientific" areas from about 2000 B.C. to 1799 A.D.)
Word Unit: Science and Technology Words from the More Recent Past to the Present, Part 2 (terms appearing in some "scientific" areas from about 1800 A.D. to 1899 A.D.)
Word Unit: Science, Technology, and Global Knowledge (the spread of information with the "wiring" of the world has improved communications between people and accelerated the pace of scientific discoveries as well as greater efficiency in the exchange of technical knowledge and applications)
Word Unit: Sesquipedalia or Sesquipedalians: Foot and a Half Long Words, Section One (obscure verbal usages that challenge your comprehension as to what they mean)
Word Unit: Sesquipedalia or Sesquipedalians: Foot and a Half Long Words, Section Two (obscure verbal usages that challenge our comprehension as to what they mean)
Word Unit: Sesquipedalian Version of "Little Red Riding Hood" (a re-writing of the classical story with excessive wordiness)
Word Unit: Shakespeare, the Bard (Shakespeare is given credit for coining more than 1,500 words for the English language)
Word Unit: -ship (A suffix forming nouns meaning: quality or condition: partnership; act, power, or skill: workmanship; relation between: friendship; office, position, or occupation: governorship; number: readership)
Word Unit: sin-, sinn- (An action which is considered to be bad and wrong.)
Word Unit: Sleep Subjects and Terms Related to Sleeping (there is much more to learn about the mysterious processes of sleep and the things that disturb it)
Word Unit: snarge (bird goo left on a place; or a person no one likes)
Word Unit: Social Insects, Especially Ants (insects that live in colonies which, in some ways, resemble human cities are ants, bees, wasps, hornets, and termites)
Word Unit: Sources of Information; Science and Technology (bibliographic sources of information from which words and topics have been compiled about scientific and technological topics)
Word Unit: Sources of Information; Words in Action (bibliographic sources of information from which words and sentences have been compiled about words and expressions English speakers should know for better understanding and communication)
Word Unit: Synonyms with Interactive Examples (a comparison of synonymous references and their relationships to each other)