English Words in Action, Group A
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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The alarmist report from the government agency upset a lot of people.
2. Every one of, each of; the whole number of: All of the people had to be checked in before they could get into the aircraft.
3. Everything, every item; the whole quantity: Is that all that you can carry?

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Mark was asked if he could prove the allegations which he presented in the news article that the athletes actually took performance enhancing drugs.

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Jerome is alleged to have assaulted a man in the parking lot over a parking dispute.
2. To state something without or before proof: The indictment alleges that the senator took bribes for several years.3. To make a plea or present an excuse in support of or in denial of a claim or accusation: The defendant's lawyer alleges that Karl had temporary insanity.
The shooter alleged that he was defending himself against an attacker; however, the person who was shot didn't have a weapon or was there any proof that he was aggressive against the man with the gun.
4. Etymology: supposedly from Latin allegare, "to send for, to bring forth, to name, to produce in evidence"; from ad-. "to" + legare, "to send, to assign" authority or duties to another person.There are inconsistent opinions regarding the origins of allege.

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The rare books that the bookstore had recently acquired held a special allure for the bibliophile or book collector.
Promises of a quick way to make money often allures the unwary investor to gamble excessively and to lose a lot of money.
Lower hotel prices and transportation will allure more people to travel.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
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