English Words in Action, Group B
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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During World War II, booby traps were placed on doors of evacuated buildings, on equipment which might be picked up, in abandoned vehicles, and in just about anything; so, unsuspecting people would set them off merely by lifting or moving what seemed to be harmless objects.
- James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter, who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, admitted to police that he had booby trapped his apartment with explosives.
- When police searched Holmes apartment, they discovered that it had been booby trapped and so they evacuated not only the building where his apartment was, but also the surrounding buildings.
- Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said James Holmes' booby-trapped apartment contained a "sophisticated" maze of flammable devices.
- Officials say they have removed all major threats at the booby-trapped apartment of the Aurora movie theater shooting suspect on Saturday. They used a robot to go inside James Holmes' apartment and they were able to disable a trip wire that was set to go off when the apartment door was opened.

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2. A crude, uncouth, or ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement: Mrs. Smith was very upset with her students who were evidently complete boors during the concert they attended because they talked and ate during the performance, and then left their garbage on the floor when they went back to the school bus at end of the recital.

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2. Descriptive of rudeness and not caring about other people’s feelings: One guest at Mildred's birthday party was boorish and insensitive with other individuals who were there.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Bots are used on the internet in a variety of ways, mostly in Internet Relay Chat; as well as, in search engines.
Also known as "automatons", bots are not liked by Internet Relay Chat operators and long-time users because of the extensive system resources that they consume.
Engine bots; also called spiders and crawlers, explore the World Wide Web; for example, they get Web pages and follow all of the hyperlinks in each one. Once they have that information, they generate catalogs that can be accessed by search engines.
1. I am seeing 5 gentlemen every day.
As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed.
2. Then I go to see John (the toilet).3. Then Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day.
He doesn't like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint.
4. After such a busy day, I'm really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay.What a life!
5. Now remember this: Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes!6. So have fun, think "good thoughts" only and learn to laugh at yourself and count your blessings!!!
Identification source is unknown!
2. The annoying egotistical talk of a person who is usually trying to sound very proud or brave: Andrew knows a professional wrestler who is a braggart and who hides his real cowardly feelings with braggadocios; especially, before he starts to grapple with his opponents.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
2. Pertaining to a clear-cut and brilliant contrast: Timothy used brash hues of colors in the painting he was working on.
3. Describing someone as being impudent and tactless: The elderly lady was very upset at the brash behavior of the young man as he entered the bus, pushing her to the side and being offensively arrogant and rude.

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