English Words in Action, Group D
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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Fluff or balls of loose particles of dirt; such as, hair or fur which accumulate in spaces that are often awkward to clean: Karen swept the dust bunnies from under the bed and the window ledges.
A British term for garbage or trash truck: "The dust cart was coming to pick up the trash that people had put into their dust bins."
A piece of cloth, plastic, etc., which covers and protects something from getting dirty: The rare painting was draped with a dust cover to protect it from light and dust.
Primarily used in the U.S., a small area of rapidly spinning wind which contains sand or small particles of dirt: Today there was a dust devil filling the air with dust and sand from the desert area.
A paper cover which protects a book and that can be easily removed: The dust jacket of one of the used books was torn; however, the other books had dust jackets that were still in very good condition.
British term for garbageman or trash man: They were waiting for the dust man, or dust men, to pick up the rubbish.
Very small creatures which live in the accumulation of fine particles of dirt, sloughed skin, etc. in a person's house or in public buildings all of which can cause an allergic reaction: The fitness studio has rugs which obviously have dust mites mixed in with all of the dirt that can be seen on the rugs.
A short-handled flat pan that is open on one side and into which soil or other loose powder is swept from the floors, etc. with a small brush: Mildred was using a dust pan to sweep up the dirt from the kitchen floor.
A very strong wind which carries clouds of small particles of dirt across a large area: There was a dust storm blowing into large areas of Southern California from Death Valley which has intensified the bad drought conditions that the state has been recently experiencing.
A device or cleaning tool which is used to remove the fine layers of dirt that accumulate on surfaces: After the dust storm, the maid used a feather duster to remove the accumulated dust from the various dirty surfaces in the apartment.
1. The process of making something clean by brushing or wiping away the fine layer of dirt from the surface of something: The table needs a good dusting and the shelves need a good dusting, too.
2. A small amount of something which falls over a surface: Today there was a light dusting of snow on the ground.
2. A small amount of something which falls over a surface: Today there was a light dusting of snow on the ground.
dusty (adjective), dustier, dustiest
Filled or covered with a small layer of fine dirt: Solomon pulled dusty candlesticks from the shelves in the dusty basement.
James and Kimberly had to drive down the dustiest road they had ever seen to get to the home of their aunt and uncle.
dwindle (verb), dwindles; dwindled; dwindling
To reduce, to diminish, to shrink, or to decrease in quantity: There are many things that can dwindle; such as, money, life, love, health, and even the ecological qualities of our natural existence.
The patience of the participants dwindled as the business meeting dragged on and on.
Many important resources have been dwindling in various parts of the world.
1. An explosive material that is used for mining and for blasting to remove objects which are no longer needed or that are in the way of some kind of development: Dynamite is said to be safer than nitroglycerin, because it is less liable to explode from moderate shocks or from spontaneous decomposition.
3. Something that can be exceptionally dangerous: The allegations made regarding the political candidate are political dynamite.
The engineers were skilled in the use of dynamite which they used to implode a building that was dangerously damaged.
2. An informal use meaning something that is very exciting or wonderful: The increase in hip replacements has been described as dynamite because they are highly effective in relieving pain and restoring better mobility.3. Something that can be exceptionally dangerous: The allegations made regarding the political candidate are political dynamite.
dynamite (adjective) (no comparatives)
A slang term meaning superb, outstanding, or super: Debora and Janine went to what they thought was a dynamite concert performed by the school orchestra and choir.
Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
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