English Words in Action, Group F
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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A gesture similar in meaning to a "handshake" or a "high five": A fist bump may indicate a symbol of giving respect, congratulations, or greetings instead of shaking hands.
On June 3, 2008, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama fist bumped during a televised presidential campaign speech in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the gesture became known as "the fist bump heard 'round the world'."
flagitious (adjective), more flagitious, most flagitious
1. A reference to someone who is guilty of committing terrible crimes: A flagitious man called an elderly woman and told her that he would be coming to her place to read a water meter and when he arrived, he forced her to give him her jewelry and over $500 in cash and then locked her in a closet so she could not call the police.
2. Characteristic of a person who is extremely brutal, wicked, heinous, or monstrous: Two flagitious robbers went into a small bank when there were no other customers and forced the clerk to give them several thousand dollars in cash and then beat him until he was unconscious and then they left.

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2. Characteristic of a person who is extremely brutal, wicked, heinous, or monstrous: Two flagitious robbers went into a small bank when there were no other customers and forced the clerk to give them several thousand dollars in cash and then beat him until he was unconscious and then they left.

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1. Strong and excessive censure and disapproval: The office secretary, Mrs. Patterson, really got a lot of flak from her employer when she appeared late to work three times in a row!
2. Artillery made to shoot vertically at airplanes: In the story Daniel was reading, volley after volley of flak was sent in the direction of the enemy’s aircraft.

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2. Artillery made to shoot vertically at airplanes: In the story Daniel was reading, volley after volley of flak was sent in the direction of the enemy’s aircraft.

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flaky (adjective), flakier, flakiest
1. Referring to something which separates or divides into smaller pieces: The flaky pastry Jerry was making was just right for the pumpkin pie!
2. Pertaining to a person who is unconventional, eccentric, or outlandish: Jeffrey was known for his flaky behavior by not showing up at all or being quite late for meetings and even for parties!

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2. Pertaining to a person who is unconventional, eccentric, or outlandish: Jeffrey was known for his flaky behavior by not showing up at all or being quite late for meetings and even for parties!

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1. A physical disfigurement or small physical problem; such as, a crack that prevents something from being totally perfect and detracts from its value: There was a flaw in the new wooden chair that required repairing before it could be used.
2. A feature that is regarded as unfavorable: Earlier flaws regarding the euro were resurfacing as France and Germany were proposing deeper integration for a single currency in a time of a ferocious debt crisis.
3. In a legal document, an error which can make it invalid: There are several flaws in the evidence that has been presented by the prosecutor.
4. Etymology: from Old Norse flaga, "stone slab, flake, split stone"; with the sense of "defect, fault" was first recorded in the 1580's, first about character, then later referring to material things; probably with the idea of a "fragment" that has broken off.
2. A feature that is regarded as unfavorable: Earlier flaws regarding the euro were resurfacing as France and Germany were proposing deeper integration for a single currency in a time of a ferocious debt crisis.
3. In a legal document, an error which can make it invalid: There are several flaws in the evidence that has been presented by the prosecutor.
4. Etymology: from Old Norse flaga, "stone slab, flake, split stone"; with the sense of "defect, fault" was first recorded in the 1580's, first about character, then later referring to material things; probably with the idea of a "fragment" that has broken off.
flawed (adjective), more flawed, most flawed
Having a mistake, a fault, or a weakness: It was a flawed drama production; however, the actors still gave the audience a powerful performance.
flawless (adjective), more flawless, most flawless
Being perfect; and so, having no mistakes, imperfections, marks, or bad features: Susanne was an attractive woman with flawless facial skin.
flawlessly (adverb), more flawlessly, most flawlessly
Descriptive of having performed an activity with perfection: Quinton flawlessly performed his musical presentation and the audience shouted for an encore.
Something that is perfect or without any errors or defects: The audience was thrilled by the flawlessness of the musical performance.
fleece (verb), fleeces; fleeced; fleecing
1. To obtain or to acquire a great deal of money from someone, typically by overcharging or swindling him or her: A man came to the elderly woman's door saying he was a friend of her grandson who needed some money and then after he went into her house, he fleeced her of $5,000!
2. To clip the wool off from a sheep: Jack used shears to fleece the thick and wavy hair from the rams and ewes.
3. To spread over with a soft and lightweight synthetic fabric; usually a blanket with a deep pile: Janet fleeced or covered her little baby with a lovely velvety coverlet.

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2. To clip the wool off from a sheep: Jack used shears to fleece the thick and wavy hair from the rams and ewes.
3. To spread over with a soft and lightweight synthetic fabric; usually a blanket with a deep pile: Janet fleeced or covered her little baby with a lovely velvety coverlet.

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fleeting (adjective), more fleeting, most fleeting
Descriptive of something that passes swiftly and is soon gone; short-lived: It was only momentary, but Grace thought for a fleeting second that Gary was going to kiss her.

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flighty (adjective), more flighty, most flighty
Descriptive of a situation of an individual who is volatile, impulsive or erratic in behavior and ways; irresponsible: When Sally needed a friend to go with her to the hospital, she didn’t ask Linda who is a flighty person who often decides to do something else at the last minute.

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1. A type of loose rubber sandals: Fay wore flip-flops to the beach.
2. Sudden changes of opinions: The senator was accused of doing flip-flops on important social issues.
2. Sudden changes of opinions: The senator was accused of doing flip-flops on important social issues.
flip-flop (verb), flip-flops; flip-flopped, flip-flopping
1. To undergo a complete turn around regarding a position or policy while trying to justify the change in the position: The presidential candidate kept flip-flopping on whether he would raise or lower income taxes.
2. Primarily in Britain, to undertake a "U" turn: The driver of the car ahead of Charles tried to flip-flop in a NO U-TURN zone and she was stopped by the police.
2. Primarily in Britain, to undertake a "U" turn: The driver of the car ahead of Charles tried to flip-flop in a NO U-TURN zone and she was stopped by the police.
Days after both men reversed course on major issues, the presidential campaigns of Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain spent much of Sunday's talk-show circuits working to ensure accusations of "flip-flopping" don't stick.
From where I sit, flip-flopping is an unbeatable addiction for Obama; and for McCain, by comparison, it's an occasional foible.
flippant (FLIP uhnt) (adjective), more flippant, most flippant
Characterized as disrespectful, silly, or inappropriate for a situation: The young man shocked everyone by making flippant remarks while his father's will was being read.

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