English Words in Action, Group G
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. Etymology: from French gauche; literally, "left handed".

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2. Language or informal talking that is obscure or overly technical: Ted was so nervous of speaking in front of such a big audience that he started talking gibberish, which was very confusing and neither explicit nor understandable.

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2. A quiet laugh that is sometimes involuntary in a way that is characteristic of children: The people in the house could hear the giggles of the children who were playing in the back yard.
2. To laugh audibly with convulsive sounds, but not loudly, sometimes without meaning to or because of nervousness: Several people were all joking and giggling nervously as they were waiting for the ceremony to begin.
A word compiled by Chambers Harrap Publishers (publisher of The Chambers Dictionary) meaning, "a celebration of humorous definitions" which refers to a separate publication titled: Chambers gigglossary, the contents of which include:
- Notable and quotable definitions by famous (and-not-so-famous) writers.
- Selected humorous definitions from The Chambers Dictionary.
- New witty definitions suggested by some of today's leading wordsmiths.
- The funniest definitions from Chambers' online Gigglossary project [www.chambersharrap.co.uk].
2. A device or ploy that is intended to attract attention, publicity, or business: The proposal to cut income taxes is considered by some to be an election gimmick to win votes by politicians who are campaigning for office.

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The restaurant sign was gimmicking people into believing that its prices were lower and so more attractive even though the quality of the food was not acceptable to most of those who ate there.
2. Etymology: from Chinese jen-shen. The first element means "man"; however, the meaning of the second is obscure of unclear.
There is a trend among glampers who want to be in the wild but don't want to sleep on the ground, who don't want to be inconvenienced by having to get up in the dark to find the communal toilets, and don't want to cook over campfires.
Glamping is said to be a growing global trend that combines camping with the luxury and the comforts of a home or a good hotel.
Lodgings at glamping sites include structures; such as, yurts (circular domed dwellings that are portable and self-supporting), tipis (portable shelters of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs), pods (enclosed cabins suspended from cables), bell tents, safari tents (double-roofed frame tents), tent cabins, and tree houses.
Some glamping sites offer amenities; such as, fresh bed linens, washrooms, food services, private verandas, and direct access to the great outdoors.
Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
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