English Words in Action, Group G
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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grumpy (adjective), grumpier, grumpiest
Dissatisfied, unhappy, or easily irritated and upset: Mike's boss is grumpier than usual because things are not going well with the products that he is trying to sell to retailers.

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1. Tricks to deceive people; usually, to get money from them: That salesman is full of guile, so be careful that he doesn't cheat you.
2. Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception: When the basketball team couldn't win by honest ways, they used guiles while playing.
2. Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception: When the basketball team couldn't win by honest ways, they used guiles while playing.
guileless (adjective), more guileless, most guileless
Characteristic of being straightforward, honest, and sincere: The witness gave a guileless testimony during the criminal court trial.

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The girl answered the moderator on the TV show with more guileless responses when she was asked about her plans for the future.

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The tendency of an individual to believe something too easily, whether it is truthful or false: Chastity's gullibility got her into trouble quite often because she trusted people too much.
gullible (adjective), more gullible, most gullible
Descriptive of being easily fooled, tricked, cheated, or deceived because of having an overly trusting nature or naiveté: Jancy was a gullible person who thought she could be chosen for a million dollar prize by simply filling out a form with personal information and submitting it to an organization on the internet.

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Trista's husband told her that he couldn't believe that she was gullible enough to believe something so outrageous as being told in an e-mail that she had won a million dollars in a lottery; especially, since she never purchased a lottery ticket.

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gullibly (adverb), more gullibly, most gullibly
A reference to being easily fooled or deceived: Stephan gullibly submitted his credit card information to the store clerk.
Boldness and aggressiveness in action and behavior: Catherine showed a great deal of gumption when she told the big boy to stop looking at her answers during the vocabulary quiz in the classroom.

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A spiritual leader or anyone who is considered a specialist in some occupation: Joe was a recognized guru of high finance.

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An unexpected blast of wind, or a bursting of water: The gusts of high wind unfortunately fanned the flames of the forest fire.
gust (verb), gusts; gusted; gusting
1. To make a sudden powerful blast or rush of wind: A strong wind started to gust shortly after midnight.
2. To have a powerful experience or expression of an emotion: Standing in front of his old homestead, Sam was gusting with emotions and memories.
3. To suddenly burst with water, fire, smoke, sound, etc.: The brush fire gusted and burned a large area before anyone could put it out.
4. Etymology: from 1588, possibly a dialectal survival from Old Norse gustr, "a cold blast of wind", or Old High German gussa, "flood"; both from Proto-Germanic gustiz. Believed to be originally used in English as a nautical term.
2. To have a powerful experience or expression of an emotion: Standing in front of his old homestead, Sam was gusting with emotions and memories.
3. To suddenly burst with water, fire, smoke, sound, etc.: The brush fire gusted and burned a large area before anyone could put it out.
4. Etymology: from 1588, possibly a dialectal survival from Old Norse gustr, "a cold blast of wind", or Old High German gussa, "flood"; both from Proto-Germanic gustiz. Believed to be originally used in English as a nautical term.
gustily (adverb), more gustily, most gustily
Descriptive of blowing strongly: James tried to get home as soon as possible because the gustily blowing winds indicated that a storm was coming very soon.
A strong blowing of wind or occurring in strong bursts: While Miles and Lonie were watching TV, they could hear the gustiness of the wind outside.
gustiness factor (noun), gustiness factors (pl)
A measure of the intensity of wind bursts: A gustiness factor is expressed as a ratio of the total range of wind speeds between gusts and intermediate periods of lighter wind to the overall level of windspeed, which is averaged with both gusts and lulls.
1. Keen enjoyment, zest, hearty delight, or a vigorous, healthy, positive attitude: Shanna welcomed the visit of her grandchildren with gusto.
2. Etymology: from Latin gustare, "to taste, to enjoy".
2. Etymology: from Latin gustare, "to taste, to enjoy".
A device that is dropped from a high altitude by a parachute: The scientists at the meteorology lab at the university were experimenting with the creation of a new gustsonde to assist in the understanding of air or wind turbulence.
A gustsonde measures the vertical component of turbulence up in the sky.
Gustsondes contain combinations of accelerometer (speed measuring) and radio telemetering (distant measuring) equipment.
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